Showing all 4 results
Ticket price (Bursa NYU70)
140.00€70.00€Online access to the entire eventFREE access to all lectures (recorded) till Nov 17thCertificate of Attendance from New York University – College of Dentistry and Dental LeadersTombola ticket (win free access to the Aesthetic Week, March 2021, hold at NYU – College of Dentistry in New York City)Online access to Q&A sessions -
Early booking
118.00€ONE day of Design Days ConferenceFree ONE lunch and coffee break -
140.00€TWO days of Design Days ConferenceFree ONE lunch and coffee breakOn-line account with all materials from DesignDays Conference -
Ticket price
140.00€Online access to the entire eventFREE access to all lectures (recorded) till Nov 17thCertificate of Attendance from New York University – College of Dentistry and Dental LeadersTombola ticket (win free access to the Aesthetic Week, March 2021, hold at NYU – College of Dentistry in New York City)Online access to Q&A sessions